Lifelong learning is one of our core values. You'll be surprised what you can unlock when you learn more about yourself, we sure have! Check out our episodes where we talk self-development.
In this episode, Angie & Nicole talk about how to balance the adult and child within, what are different ways that we can explore our senses in a safe space and/or a new uncomfortable space.
Are you living your life the best way possible that you are not asking yourself anymore, what if?
Have you ever had a friend tell you about a book and you immediately know that you're not only definitely going to read it, but you know it'll be a book you'll revisit throughout your lifetime? Well that's how this conversation went.
Stephanie, a hobby enthusiast, encourages meaningful reexamination of hobbies in our culture and believes hobbies can serve as the ultimate antidote to burnout.
Let’s talk about the importance of knowing your why not only in business but more importantly in your personal life.
Founder of Health is Hot and Holistic Nutritionist joined us in a conversation about her holistic journey beyond food.
Annie is an independent artist on a mission to inspire you to look within, as she believe all the answers to your questions are found in your inner world. She started DreamyMoons in 2016, initially created to inspire her to paint more when she felt like she lost touch with her creative side. Through making art again, she connected with her inner child and fulfilled her childhood dreams of creating her own books.
Nicole talks about the joy of realizing that such pure love exists in the world because of what she experienced, how angry she didn’t realize her inner child is, and how scary but enlightening it is to know there is a lot of work to do, but without these revelations she may have never found herself in the position to confront certain things.
By having this conversation, we hope to inspire others to open up if they are struggling, and helping to be part of the movement to stop making mental health a taboo subject.
It’s so easy for us to lose sight and our focus on our goals and/or intentions, especially with toxic positivity. Tune in to hear how to change the focus of goal setting.