We love to read. It’s one of the things that bonded us! We continuously recommend books to each other, exchange books, and so on. So it's no surprise that we want to share it with you, the community.
The bookmark[it] series is where we do just that, in audio form. Check out what we’ve been reading and hear our main takeaways.
Have you ever had a friend tell you about a book and you immediately know that you're not only definitely going to read it, but you know it'll be a book you'll revisit throughout your lifetime? Well that's how this conversation went.
Stephanie, a hobby enthusiast, encourages meaningful reexamination of hobbies in our culture and believes hobbies can serve as the ultimate antidote to burnout.
Let’s talk about the importance of knowing your why not only in business but more importantly in your personal life.
No matter where you're from, which culture you grew up in, love is the universal language.
We are always told to be ourselves, but who are we really?
What does it means to have past lives, and how do past lives affect our present life particularly with our soulmates?