Ep. 19 Achieving Goals isn’t the Goal: Setting the Tone for 2021


It's the first week of the year, we're pumped and we want to take this opportunity to start the year fresh. But we are aware that sometimes goal eagerness and noise can cause toxic positivity. "What is that?" you may ask. Basically, it's on an overload of positivity, and yes there's such a thing. Nowadays with social media, we are bombarded with information and people giving their two cents. It makes it so easy for us to lose sight and our focus on our goals and/or intentions. We not only consume information, but we start comparing or setting expectations based on someone else's life. On this episode, Angie and Nicole discuss on how to change the focus of goal setting. It's in the pre-meditation of how you're setting that goal is where the magic happens. We want you to jump into the year ambitious but with ease. Remember, everyone is going at their own pace. Tune in to learn different methods on how you can set your goals for this year.

As it's been concluded in studies, it takes 21 days to create a habit. We're starting an accountability challenge on January 11. We are holding each other accountable by being accountability partners in order to make the most out of our goals. Join us! We'll all be rooting each other the entire way.


Ep. 20 The Importance of Mental Health with Megan Gallagher


Ep. 18 Vero Ramirez: Body Wellness Journey