We all have it in us: the spark, the fire to achieve to be the greatest version of ourselves. At the same time, we all encounter roadblocks whether it be unforeseen setbacks or rejections, to allowing negativity fill our minds.
BUT, what happens when you reach that state of harmony in your mind? When you have your 'aha' moment? Everything just flows and we see it all come to place . And that's what we call HAPPENNESS. It’s not a constant but it’s a state that we can all tap into. Tune in to our podcast to hear more.
We can't wait for you to hear these stories because one thing we know for sure is that HAPPENNESS is contagious.
Ep. 05 How to Make a Home Away From Home
Nicole and Angie have learned that home isn't just one place or one feeling. Through first hand experience of living away from our hometown, we realized home starts with you, but it is the cultivation of relationships, whether it be friends, significant others, family, pets, familiar faces, and moments that are what can make a place a home.
Ep. 04 Andrea Kepkova: Manifestation Yoga Flow Instructor
Andrea Kepkova is a yogi in all senses of the word. If you are expecting the typical "western" yoga teacher, who is always put together and has all the answers, you'll be disappointed.
Ep. 01 One City, Two Paths
As two Miami natives with Hispanic backgrounds, we talk about our how and what led us to living abroad. We like to think that shit happens for a reason.